Edgar Allan Poe (Boston, January 19, 1809 - Baltimore, October 7, 1849) was a writer, poet, critic and journalist romantic U.S., widely recognized as one of the masters of the universal story short, which was one of the early practitioners in the country. It was renovated in the Gothic novel, remembered especially for his tales of terror. Considered the inventor of the detective story, also contributed with several works to the emerging genre of science fiction. On the other hand, was the first writer who attempted to write his modus vivendi, which had disastrous consequences for him.
Charles Robert Darwin (February 12, 1809 - April 19, 1882) was an English naturalist who postulated that all species of living things have evolved over time from a common ancestor through a process called natural selection. The evolution was accepted as fact by the scientific community and much of the public life of Darwin, while his theory of evolution by natural selection was not considered the primary explanation of the evolution process until the 1930s, and now forms the basis of the modern evolutionary synthesis. As amended, the scientific discoveries of Darwin still the founding act of biology as a science, since they constitute a logical explanation that unifies observations about the diversity of life.
Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald (Saint Paul, Minnesota, September 24, 1896 - Hollywood, California, December 21, 1940) was an American novelist of the era of jazz. In his novels express the disappointment of the privileged youth of his generation who dragged her lassitude of jazz and gin (On this side of Paradise, 1920), in Europe on the French Riviera (Soft is the Night, 1934) or decorum of the fascinating cities (The Great Gatsby, 1925). He is considered one of the most important American writers of the twentieth century. He was spokesman for the "Lost Generation", those Americans born in the last decade of the nineteenth century they came to mature during the First World War. He wrote five novels and dozens of short stories covering such themes as "youth" or "despair" with extraordinary honesty to translate their emotions. His heroes, attractive, confident and convicted, shine brightly before explode ( "Show me a hero," Fitzgerald once said, "and you will write a tragedy), and their heroines are beautiful and complex
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